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    The best way to change your password is in your Chopra Post account.

    1. On your account page, select Edit Profile next to Account in the Your Profile section.
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    You can reset your password using the password reset form.

    Change Password

    The best way to change your password is in your Chopra Post account.

    1. On your account page, select Edit Profile next to Account in the Your Profile section.
    2. Enter your current password, a new password that is at least six characters long, and confirm the new password.
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    • Craft your article with care, ensuring it aligns with our publication’s focus areas.

    3. Academic Panel Review:

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    • Our panel will assess your submission for relevance, originality, and audience engagement.

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    ChopraPost Academic Panel Review Guidelines

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    • Evaluate the writing style for its engagement factor.

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    Reset Password

    You can reset your password using the password reset form.

    Change Password

    The best way to change your password is in your Chopra Post account.

    1. On your account page, select Edit Profile next to Account in the Your Profile section.
    2. Enter your current password, a new password that is at least six characters long, and confirm the new password.
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